Sunday, 17 September 2017

                                   hack facebook phpshing attack

Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

                                                      Tutorial how-to:
***NOTE: 1. Press 'Enter' after typing each Terminal command. 2. When typing commands, do not type the starting and ending apostrophes ('')*** This tutorial uses BackTrack.
1. Boot BackTrack (or any Linux distro)
2. Find your Internet IP address: type 'ifconfig' in Terminal. The numbers after 'inet' addr is your IP
3. Navigate to BackTrack > Exploitation Tools > Social Engineering Tools > Social Engineering Toolkit > set, and select: Social-Engineering Attacks or just type 'cd /pentest/exploits/set', and then '/.set' in the Terminal
4. Select choice 2: Website Attack Vectors
5. Now select choice 4: Tabnabbing Attack Method
6. Now select choice 2: Site Cloner. Do this TWICE.
7. Enter the login page you want to clone (Ex:
8. Press Return (on the keyboard)
9. Now your IP wil be a phishing page. When a user logs in, their username and password will be displayed in the Terminal. Can also be used with URL shortener services.
Download: (For other Linux distros)
git clone
1. An Internet connection
2. A BackTrack Installation recommended

Sunday, 10 September 2017




                                      Accessing the Deep Web


The "Deep Web" is a vast collection of websites not accessible on the Internet through a normal browser or search engine. It mainly consists of all the illegal things that aren't allowed on the Internet. These include: drug dealer directories/pharmacy, black market trades, hackers, hitmen, pedophiles, etc. It is important you browse the Deep Web with firewalls on, and your webcam disconnected. Be wary of/don't download any files. The Deep Web is unlike any other website on the accessible Internet. Use extreme caution!

                                    Tutorial how-to:

1. Download the Tor Browser Bundle for your OS (Android users can use Orbot)

2. Extract the archive to your computer

3. In the archive: (Windows: Start Tor Browser; Mac:; Linux: execute the 'start-tor-browser' script) Do NOT run Tor as root!

4. TorBrowser will automatically open up

5. You can now visit websites with the .onion extension. Refer to the 'Deep Web Links' file (scroll down further)

6. Use extreme caution!!

Advanced: To remain as anonymous as possible:

1. Choose a proxy to use with Tor. It is best to contact WhatTheServer and ask them to set you up with a SSH Tunnel

2. Setup your proxy as explained

3. Start the Tor Browser bundle

4. Click on the onion icon on the left side of the address bar

5. Setup your proxy instead of Tor proxy

6. Do not do anything outside of theTor Browser, or you will lose your anonymity

Refer to: to help yourself remain anonymous

Deep Web Links:

Download Tor:

Tor Website:

Sunday, 3 September 2017


                          Technical Fahad                                                 THANKS FOR COMING ON IT

                                           I AM ETHICAL HACKER

                                   I WILL TECH YOU ABOUT

                           LET"S     START